Monday, June 8, 2009


In what is fast becoming an awful, awful trend, the Donks are joining the ranks of those selling fucking ad space on their practice jerseys.

Lame-o. How much money are they going to make off of this anyway? Who sees anyone's practice jerseys except the local media outlets? If I was a marketing guy, I wouldn't even offer six-figures to get my logo on someone's practice jersey. Talk about a drop in the bucket. Bowlen could raise that by auctioning off one of his old furs.

There is good news about the Broncos whoring for cash, though:

What's new this year is NFL teams can also put their logos on lottery tickets. Eventually, those Colorado scratch-ticket winners may have to first rub off a series of Broncos helmets or logos.

You gotta play to win, people.


@slushygutter said...

Scary thing is there are some Donk fans who will go buy the practice jersies with the 1stBank / Coors/ Qwest / Scotts Liguid Gold logo.

They could put an ad for Desmonds Dog Sh*t Removal Service on there, as long as they win.

Hercules Rockefeller said...

"It's authentic!"